There are different ways of Attracting and recruiting Prospects but many of these strategies are not guaranteed. The only way that you can say that a strategy is guaranteed is if it abides by natural laws.
Natural laws are the same yesterday, today and forever.
For example; anything that goes up must surely come down this works based on the natural law of gravity.
Another example is that what you sow is what you will reap. You can't reap yam when you sowed pepper.
These are natural laws and they operate the same way.
Another example is that matter expands when heated whether the matter is heated in your country or another country the law works the same.
The shortest cut to failure is to operate against natural laws. If you jumped down from a 3 story building, I don't need to prophecy that you would be hurt.
Many people go against the natural laws in Marketing and expect to succeed. Irrespective of how smart you are, if you want to succeed, you better align your strategies with natural laws.
Today's training is specifically about the guaranteed strategy that I have been using to recruit people consistently into my network marketing business. This is equally the strategy that majority of online marketers, business men and women, top networkers and even artist are using.
The strategy is simple and straight forward and it requires common sense.
This strategy can be broken down into two parts:
1) Identifying your target market
2) Positioning yourself for them.
I'll explain them in detail so that you understand.
But before that let me point out some thing
Do you know that if you slept outside through out the night I guarantee you that you will be wet in the morning. How did I know that? I know it because it's natural.
This is exactly what you need to do in your business.
The concept here is for you to do things that will naturally make Prospects to come and buy from you.
This strategy can be applied online or offline but in this article I'll focus on explaining one way you can do it online.
Depending on your business, the first thing you need to know is the type of people that are already interested in your business or product and then the next is to position yourself in front of these people.
Whether you realize it or not there are people that are constantly looking for your product. If you researched about it, the statistics will shock you. If many people are already looking for your product, instead of looking for people that are not interested why not go after those that are already interested?
Many entrepreneurs stress themselves by going after People that will never buy their products whereas there are thousands of people already interested in buying such Product.
The major reason why people stress themselves going after uninterested people is because they don't know about their ideal Prospects.
Taking your time to Identify your ideal Prospects will help you a great deal.
Everyone won't be your ideal client irrespective of what ever your business is. Focus on positioning yourself specifically for people that will benefit from your products or business opportunity and ignore others that are not in this category.
One reason why many networkers or entrepreneurs don't get their ideal Prospects is because they don't understand their work properly due to this, they literally accept any client that comes to them. When you do this you will be lost in the market. To get your ideal client or Prospect, you must be an ideal Marketer.
One advice i give my team members mostly the ones that want to increase their numbers of recruit is that they should look at the method they've used previously to recruit and do more of that. Same thing applies here; analyse your current ideal clients, figure out what critical attributes your key clients embody and then position yourself to attract more people with such attributes.
Your ideal clients have similar goals. Analyze to see if their needs align with your product or service. If the two align, then go get them. If they do not, save yourself the struggle of trying to make a square fit in a circle.
You would be shocked how many networkers/ entrepreneurs sell without listening. You may not be able to Identify your ideal clients if you don't pay attention to Prospects. When you pay attention to either questions that you receive online or offline from your Prospects, you will be able to figure out who your ideal client is.
Note that your ideal clients know exactly what they want and they are always willing to pay for what they want. Your ability to communicate the value of your products will determine if they are ideal for your product or not. When you communicate the value of your product/Products properly, your ideal client will get it irrespective of the price.
This is a process of assigning all ideal client qualities you can think of to an imaginary client.
This process automatically gives you a concept of the type of customers you are to position yourself for. A customer avatar guides you on everything you need to do inorder to attract the ideal client you want
After Identifying your ideal client or Prospect you must then position yourself to attract them.
Positioning yourself Online is different from positioning yourself offline. Like I said initially that this training is specifically for those that are building their business Online.
There are different ways of positioning yourself Online but in this article I'll only suggest article blogging to you.
After you have successfully Identified your ideal clients or Prospects, you must use your blog posts to position yourself online so that when your ideal clients are searching on the internet, they can always locate you.
The reality is that many networkers or entrepreneurs that are using the online approach to build their business or sell their products ain't Positioning themselves properly that is why they are not selling or recruiting prospects into their team.
When you have Identified your ideal clients, what they like, how they think e.t.c. your duty is to position yourself. Once you position yourself, there's no way they won't locate you and when they locate you, there's no way that they won't buy or join your team this is the natural process.
Remember initially I talked about abiding by natural laws of the universe.
This process is simple;
you Identify the people that are interested in your product or business opportunity and then you write articles that will link them to you and your products.
This is a guaranteed skill to attracting unlimited Prospects. I have personally used this approach to attract alot of Prospects into my team and I know it's a guaranteed way of recruiting or selling anything you online.
In summary, this strategy works Everytime and it will continue to work because it aligns with natural laws of cause and effect.
Your duty is to write articles that resonates with your ideal clients based on your research about them then they will automatically locate you. The more your articles resonate with them, the more you are likely to recruit or sell to them.
I hope this training was helpful? If you have any question or contribution to this topic kindly leave a comment below I'll like to hear from you.
Till you hear from me keep Attracting great things into your life.
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