Welcome once again.
firstly let me thank you for following up on all these trainings on the law of attraction.
This is the 3rd training as regards attracting anything you want into your life.
In our previous training, I explained how you can impress your goals on your subconscious mind so that you be on the same vibration with them.
I also told you that the only way to start attracting your heart's desires is to be on the same vibration with what you want.
If you haven't gone through the first and second parts of this training I suggest you do so before you continue with this part 3.
Kindly Click here to read part 1 and Click here to read part 2.
Let's proceed.
After you have started impressing your goals on your subconscious mind, you must understand the following.
You must understand that because you have started affirming, visualizing, and rewriting your goals doesn't mean that those goals will start manifesting the next day.
The universe operates gradually. It doesn't rush in its operation it operates systematically but with great precision.
Farmers understand this rule very well which is why they give their crops time to grow after they plant them.
Immediately you grab your goals in your consciousness you have started the attraction process.
Don't expect instant results just as you won't expect instant growth from a seed you just planted.
Just know that as soon as you become conscious of your goals the attraction process has started.
Give it time to grow.
Understand: An idea is a spiritual seed but it functions exactly like a physical seed.
Also know that different seeds have their gestation and incubation period.
E.g It takes 3months for maize to be ready for harvest but it takes 3 or more years for a mango seed to produce fruit.
The same principle applies to all spiritual seeds (goals) your goal manifestation is dependent on the type of goal you have.
Always know that it may be sooner than you thought.
like I said earlier, the general rule to impressing your goals in your subconscious mind is continuous repetition.
Your subconscious mind is the combination of all your fixed ideas that control 90% of your life.
These fixed ideas set up a fixed vibration in you which makes you attract other related ideas to yourself.
The problem with most people is that they begin the process and when they start experiencing results, they stop impressing their goals in the subconscious mind.
Some of them don't even do it to the point of experiencing any results.
Understand: keep on impressing your goals in your subconscious mind until you begin to see the result and when the result starts to manifest, keep on with the process.
As you keep on impressing your goals in your subconscious mind, you will begin to receive great ideas that will help you reach those goals.
Most of these ideas will be things you know already and you are doing while some of the ideas will be things you have not done before.
When these ideas come to you and you know the ideas are capable of assisting you to reach the goals you want to go ahead and act on them.
I also want to let you know that it may be frightening to act on them since you haven't acted on them before, at this point, you must be courageous to act.
You must understand that the reason those ideas are frightening is that you haven't acted on them before.
You must engage in the act with courage.
Your subconscious mind doesn't respond to coercion.
It doesn't respond to force.
It produces the opposite result when forced.
Think of when you tried remembering an answer to a question in exam hall; the harder you tried, the more difficult it was but as soon as you were done with the exam and the tension was down, the answer flowed naturally and gently to you.
Your subconscious mind doesn't like force.
Here's another example;
You saw someone that looks like your nursery school classmate you are sure he's the one but you can't recall his name.
While trying to remember his name you are equally afraid of mistaking a stranger for him.
At this point, your fear of making a mistake will prevent you from remembering his name.
Understand: When there's a competition between your conscious and subconscious mind the subconscious mind always wins.
As you start impressing your goals on your subconscious mind just allow it to happen.
Don't disturb your mind on how your results will manifest.
Just focus on impressing your goals in your mind and keep on doing your daily activities.
The universal power will bring all the ideas necessary to the fulfillment of your goals.
Let me throw more light on this.
I want to ask you some questions
Do you understand the intelligence that coordinates the digestion of food in your stomach?
Do you understand the intelligence that enables enzyme activities in your body system?
How does your body know when to secret a particular hormone?
How is it possible for excess sugar in your blood to be stored as glycogen and retrieved when needed?
How is it possible for the sun to shine during the day and not shine at night?
How is it possible for you to put a seed in the soil before you realize that seed has grown into a big tree?
Sounds like a miracle right???
If you should sit back to reflect on all these accurate coordinations, you will understand that these things happen without our conscious effort.
Something like food digestion. We only have to eat and the rest is done for us.
In something like planting, we only have to put the seed in the soil and the rest is done for us.
Blood circulation to different parts of the body happens without conscious effort.
There is so much accurate coordination in this universe.
Things naturally happen without our efforts.
When you reflect upon these accurate coordinations you will understand that there's an intelligence enhancing these coordinations and it's this same intelligence that will enable your goals to manifest if you allow it.
The reason why you are asked not to force the process is that you don't usually force your hair to grow or your blood to circulate.
You don't force your nails to grow or the food you've eaten to digest.
These things happen without your conscious effort.
You just do your part and allow the universal intelligence to take over.
This is the same way you are to allow your goals to happen.
Just allow it and act on the ideas that come to you after accessing the potentiality of those ideas to assist you to reach your goals.
#5) EXPECTATION: Expectation is a state of mind that sets you up to receive the good you desire.
Many people only want something but are not ready to receive it.
No matter how intensely you want something, if you are not ready to receive it, you will sabotage your efforts.
The good news is that as you keep on impressing your goals in your subconscious mind your expectation will become automatic and you will be open to the good you desire.
Here's a simple exercise for you; write out the things you would do if your goals were to manifest in the next 24hrs.
This will put you in a particular state of mind that you have to poses in other for you to attract that goal or those goals into your life.
Living your goals simply means thinking, behaving, and acting the way you would if you have gotten your goals already.
For example; if you had a goal of becoming a millionaire.
You can start feeling like one whenever money leaves your hand.
Instead of feeling bad about the money leaving your hand be grateful that you are responsible and capable of doing so.
Whenever you assist someone financially be grateful that you are in a position of doing so.
Whenever you pay for anything be grateful for it.
Millionaires feel good when money leaves their hands whereas poor people feel bad when Money leaves their hands.
If your goal is to become a millionaire, you want to start feeling like a millionaire.
This is an example of living your goals.
This concept doesn't apply to only money-related goals.
There's always a unique feeling attached to every goal.
You need to think, behave, and act like you have gotten the goals already by doing so, you will attract your goals faster.
In conclusion: This step is really about Understanding the principles that step two operates on. This Understanding will Position you to attract all your goals.
Do you have any question or contribution to this topic? If yes kindly leave a comment below I'll like to hear from you.
Till you hear from me again, keep on attracting great things to yourself.
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