Before I proceed with this explanation let me quickly bring to your attention that other important online skills are equally necessary to master but these two are necessary if you must excel in building your network marketing business using the online approach.
I've been building my network marketing business online for the past 7 years.
I decided to use the online approach because it aligns well with my personality and above that, there are endless opportunities Online.
I thank God that the online approach is my area of networking strength else I wouldn't have been writing this by now.
Different Online networking skills are important but not as the two I'll be describing in this post.
Once you master these two skills you are good to go with building your network marketing business Online.
These skills are like the primary skills.
kindly study and apply them.
A) LEAD GENERATION: This is your ability to coordinate interested Prospects online to your network marketing presentation.
If you are building your network marketing business online mastering lead generation is essential else you won't enjoy your business.
This may be the most time-consuming skill you will have to learn and once you master it, your online marketing will be easy.
The general concept of lead generation is to channel all your leads to a particular location where you can present your products and business opportunity to them.
Here are other things you must understand about lead generation.
#1) Use a lead generation method that works best for you. :
There are different ways by which you can capture leads but few will only work best for you.
Don't use a lead capture method because you have seen it working well for your friend or other people.
For example: Initially, I was using a lead capture page and channeling my leads to my email list because that was the method I saw most networkers using but I wasn't generating leads as I expected so I changed it to another method that works better.
And currently, I'm generating 3 times leads compared to when I was channeling my leads to an email list.
In a summary experiment with different lead generation methods and pick the one that works best for you.
#2) generate leads from different platforms but channel all of them to a particular location.
Most networkers generate leads to different locations.
In my opinion, this isn't ideal because your leads will be scattered.
generate leads using different platforms but
Channel all your leads to a particular location so that presentation can be done easily.
#3) capture your leads from where your target audience is. Don't just capture any lead.
Many networkers make the mistake of generating unqualified leads.
Unqualified leads are leads that won't be interested in your business but since your capturing message wasn't precise for them to understand that the business isn't for them, they joined your lead funnel.
Unqualified Prospects can equally be captured if you are in a midst of wrong and untargeted Prospects.
You must know where you are capturing your leads from.
Let me tell you a little about when I started Marketing my business on WhatsApp.
I didn't know the ethical way of sharing my WhatsApp group link and because of this, I was dropping my group link in any group I joined not caring if those groups were business groups or not.
Because I was doing this, I was getting untargeted Prospects into my business group and due to this, I wasn't making any sales.
The lesson from this is that your leads are as good as their sources.
If you generate leads from the wrong source, you won't recruit any of them.
Be sure that you are generating leads from quality sources and that your method for generating them is professional.
In my previous article, I wrote about the best follow-up technique online.
If you haven't gone through that article kindly click here.
Let's proceed...
Follow-up technique is a unique skill that must be mastered else you will lose most of your Prospects.
Once you master this skill you can be assured that your lead generation effort won't be in vain.
Many networkers are very good at lead generation but poor at following up.
This makes their lead generation effort to be in vain because 90% of leads generated don't always buy or join the business at first exposure.
Here are some things to understand about following up Online.
#1) 90% of your leads won't convert the first time they are exposed to your business.
#2) most of your Prospects will be in your follow-up list or platform for a long time.
Don't remove them allow them to be there no matter how long they stay there.
#3) 70 percent of your follow-up messages should be educative while 30 percent can be about selling.
#4) Prospects in your follow-up channel should be seen as lifetime Prospects. so, even if they don't join your current business treat them well and know that they can buy something else from you in the future.
Lead generation and follow-up are the main two skills to master if you are building your network marketing business Online other income-producing activities in network marketing business like presentation and closing can be handled without much knowledge.
Moreover, In respect to presentation skills, You can always expose your prospects to a recorded presentation or write-ups done by your company while closing can be achieved by a proper understanding of The business presentation on the part of the prospect.
Following this analysis, you can see that your main duty is to generate leads for your presentation and follow up on the ones that are yet to sign up.
Focus on mastering lead generation and following up with your Prospects and your Online Marketing efforts will yield huge Results, you will be able to recruit a lot of people online and your team will grow faster.
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In your opinion What are the most important online skills to master as an online network marketer?
Kindly leave your opinion below I'll like to hear from you.
Till you hear from me again keep on attracting great things to yourself.
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