Between building your network marketing business online or offline which one is better?

Discover the right approach to building your network marketing business.

If you are new to the network marketing profession you may have asked this question at some point while building your business.

If you haven't asked this question before, you will probably ask later in your business.

Before the invention of the internet, it was easy for people to make this choice because there was only one approach to building a network marketing business but after the invention of the internet, networkers now have two options for building their business.

If you can't identify the approach to use Online or offline, this article will help you make a decision.

As I mentioned earlier, before the internet everyone was building his or her network marketing business offline because that was the only available option.

The only approach to recruiting people then was to physically present the business explanation to Prospects whether you felt comfortable doing so or not but in this era, you don't have to physically present the business to a Prospect, you can send the explanation Online via any online platform suitable to you and your Prospects.

These two approaches have left many networkers with questions about the best approach to use.

Let me digress for a moment...

Firstly, we've got to know that In the spiritual realm, there's no good or bad option. 

There's no better or worse. 

Everything is just the way it is.

It's only in the realm of the human mind that we use the law of opposites.

We ascribe things to be good and bad, Up and down, etc.

You must understand that while building your network marketing business, there's no good or bad approach to building it.

You should only pick the approach that suits your personality.

In all my pieces of training and blog posts, anytime I'm Opportune to suggest the first thing to consider while building a network marketing business my answer is always about identifying your networking personality or strength.

Your personality will determine the best approach for you to use in building your business.

There's no better approach among these two. 

Both of them are better depending on your network marketing personality.

When communicating with my team members on how to recruit, I always try to identify their Network Marketing strengths/personalities first before suggesting any technique to them.

If you don't know your personality about network marketing, you won't know if building your business offline is better than Online and vice versa.

In many of my blog posts, I've talked about how to identify your network marketing strength/personality. so, since this topic is related to it, I'll simply break it down below.

Tips on how to identify your networking personality/strength.

There are different ways you can identify if your personality is online or offline. 

I'll give you a few tips below.

#1 ONLINE PERSONALITY: you have an online networking strength if you have these attributes.

A) INTROVERT: An introvert is someone that gains energy when they are alone. 

Most introverts prefer interacting with their phones and laptops to having physical interaction with people. 

If you are an introvert, there's this possibility that building your network marketing business Online may be a great approach for you.

B) LONG CHATS ONLINE: Many people don't like surfing the web let alone chatting with people online. 

But if you caught yourself chatting online for a long time without getting bored, you are likely to have an online networking personality.

C) RECRUITING: Anyone with an online personality will easily recruit more prospects online than offline. 

Observe yourself closely... Which area do you recruit prospects easily, a careful analysis will expose you to your area of strength and this will help you decide whether to either build your network marketing business online or offline.

D) DIGITAL AGE: People that are born in this generation are most likely to have online networking strength because of the environment they are in. 

Now, this doesn't mean that those that are not born in the digital age can't function in this category... what it means is that if you are born in this era, you are likely to have an online networking strength, therefore, building your business Online may be the best approach for you.

E) PHILOSOPHY: Your philosophy can equally determine if your strength is online or offline. 

For example; if you believe that it's difficult or stressful to recruit people offline you will only focus on using the online approach to build your business even if you haven't tried using the offline approach before.

#2 OFFLINE STRENGTH/ PERSONALITY: you have an offline networking strength/personality if you possess these attributes.

A) EXTROVERT: An extrovert is someone that gains energy when he/she is with other people.

An extrovert is the opposite of an introvert. If you are an extrovert there's this possibility that you have an offline networking strength because you will be able to connect physically with your prospects which is what you naturally love doing. 

In this case, if you are an extrovert building your network marketing business offline may be the best approach for you.

B) RECRUITING: A networker who is an extrovert will recruit more people easily offline than online. 

Some networkers that are extroverts see online prospecting as a total waste of time and they have never recruited any prospect online, they only function better offline.

C) OLDER GENERATION: If you were born before the digital era there's a possibility that your networking strength/personality is offline. 

Just like in the online approach,  it's not always in all ramifications because I've seen some older generations building great organizations online. Nevertheless, most older-generation networkers have an offline networking strength. 

So, if you were born before the digital age, there's a possibility that you will function better in building your network marketing business offline.

D) PHILOSOPHY: Just as in the case of having an online networking strength, your philosophy can equally make you have an offline networking strength. 

For example, if you believe that it's more stressful to recruit online, you will only focus on prospecting and recruiting prospects offline even without trying the online approach before.

In conclusion, you can't know the best approach to building your network marketing business without assessing your network marketing personality/strength.

It's your assessment that will expose you to the best approach to use.

Don't make the mistake of using your upline's or mentor's approach. 

You may see them excelling in their approach and think that it will work that way for you. That would be delusional, instead sit down and identify your network marketing personality first before picking your approach.

I hope you got value from this training.

Till you hear from me again, keep on attracting great things to yourself.

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